Powys Digital History Project

Llangurig School 12
Hens in the boys privy ! 

  A small domestic problem
Some of the entries recorded in the School Log Books over the years seem quite amusing today, though doubtless most were taken seriously at the time. One such example can be seen here
Chickens belonging to a neighbour of the school had taken to roosting overnight in the outside toilet used by the boys, and obviously left the evidence behind ! 
Llangurig School
Log Book
School log book entry 
  On 13th June,1879 the log book records:
"A fortnight ago the Sanitary Inspector paid a visit to this school and found the boys privy very dirty, owing to the hens of Mr Owen sleeping there. Very often I have turned them out about 9 or 10 o'clock pm and next morning have found [them] shut in again".
County Archives
School log book entry 

The story is continued a few days later in this entry of 20th June,1879:
"...This afternoon Mrs Owen to whom I sent a letter (see opposite page) last week sent her servant to wash the boys privy: it is now very clean".
All's well that ends well, in this case at least !

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