Hay British Infants School 16 In the event of war, 1939
Air raid precautions
Another war, closer to home this time, features in the records
of the Infants School at Hay during the Second World War. The
School Log Books include a number of references to precautions
taken by the civilian population against the risk of attack during
the war years.
Hay British
Infants School
Log Book
The example above was dated 28th September 1938, and reads: "Questionnaire received from Brecon re A.R.P [Air
Raid Precautions]. It was found that all but one child could
get home in ten minutes time, should an occasion arise during
an air-raid in the event of war".
County Archives
Later in the war the above entry was recorded on 11th September
1939: "Children are encouraged to carry their gas masks to
school each session. By talks and drill it is hoped to get children
accustomed to the use and wearing of gas masks". The inspection of the children's gas masks, which were carried
everywhere in a box with a shoulder strap, was a regular ritual
recorded in the log books for the duration of the war. There
is also a curious reference to "Mickey Mouserespirators"
in 1944, which presumably were designed to be more appealing
to the youngest children !
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