harmony" The creation of the Unions and
the building of workhouses was very contentious at the time and
some of the dissatisfaction which led to the rise of Chartism
and the Rebecca riots was caused by a fear and hatred of the
workhouse among working people. Many of the local landowners
who paid the Poor Rate were interested mainly in keeping expenditure
on the poor down. To chair a Union in this climate must have
been very difficult.
An interesting entry from April 1847 records the Guardians' view
of the chairmanship of Henry Lingen who had legal expertise.
County Archives
The entry reads:- "Resolved that a state of things be recorded of
this Board, which may never happen again; namely that during
the parochial year now expiring there has been no law suit throughout
the Union, and no relinquishing of any Parish rights. And such
general unanimity has prevailed at the meetings of the Board
that never in the whole year has an angry word been exchanged
between the Guardians."
Mr Lingen - from Penlanole in the
Wye Valley near Doldowlod - was re-elected Chairman at the next
meeting (as he was to be for many years) and a special commendation
was given him by the other Guardians which again praised his
chairmanship and regretted some "hasty and unmeaning
expressions" for which they apologised.
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