Care of the poor 8
Mental health
In the 19th century, Victorian
ideas of propriety led to a fairly narrow concept of what was
considered "normal" behaviour. No doubt some of the
people the Rhayader Union treated as "pauper lunatics"
needed special care as they were a danger to themselves and others
but records of lunatic asylums show that patients included unmarried
mothers who were incarcerated to hide their "shame".
We can be sure that many of the Victorian inmates would receive
very different treatment today. |
County Archives
R/G/C/8/1/1 |
The above entry from 1839 reads:-
"Ordered - That the Overseers of Saint Harmon immediately
remove William Jones a lunatic pauper of the said Parish to some
Lunatic Asylum for safe custody."
The patients from the Rhayader Union were most often sent
to an asylum in Abergavenny where they would probably have been
cut off from their families by geography and the cost of travel. |
County Archives
R/G/C/8/1/4 |
The above entry comes from December 1847 and
"Resolved, that application be made to the Kingsland
Lunatic Asylum, Shrewsbury for the taking in of Elizabeth Evans
a pauper lunatic belonging to the parish of Llanwrthwl at present
residing at Triangles in the parish of Cwmtoydder". |
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