Hay and the Wye valley
Victorian maps
  Hay around 1836  

The map below is based on an early Ordnance Survey map of 1836 at a scale of 1 inch = 1 mile. We have enlarged the map so we can see more detail. This gives us a good idea of the town in the early years of Queen Victoria's reign. The town of Hay that we see here has changed little in shape since it was created in medieval times.


Hay around 1836
  1.-The line of the tram road can clearly be seen on the map running through the town along the banks of the Wye. At the point marked W was the wharf where trams could be loaded and unloaded. (See the pages on the Tramway to find out more.)  
  2.-The Castle at Hay can be clearly seen on its mound. By the time this map was made the castle was no longer in use as a fortress. A house had been built in the castle precincts from the stone in the 17th century. For most of the Victorian period it was occupied by the Rev. W.L. Bevan who was the vicar of St. Mary's and a familiar figure to the townspeople.  
  3.-The North and Eastern edge of Hay ends at the line of the medieval walls of the town as it still does in 2001.  

To find out what sort of people are living and working in Hay at the beginning of Queen Victoria's reign, go to the pages on earning a living.

Compare with a map of Hay in 1887..


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