The vital
role of watermills
Watermills are thought to have been introduced into the British
Isles by the Romans. During the medieval period thousands were
built across England and Wales, and they fulfilled an important
role in the economic and social life of rural areas.
The technology also developed over the years, so that by 1800
the mills were powering a wide range of machinery. In rural Radnorshire
the water mills fulfilled a role which reflected the produce
of the countryside.
Besides corn mills, there were fulling and saw mills and some
which powered looms. In such an agricultural area many of these
were owned by the local landowners and formed part of the larger
estates. Surveys of the watermills of Radnorshire were undertaken
first by the late Professor Gordon Tucker, and then by Mr Geoffrey
Ridyard, both being members of the Welsh Mills Society. The pages
that follow have been largely put together from their work.