A police journal of the 1840's 4
Checking on 'wicket gearls' 

  Looking for 'Dai of the Gats'
The daily notes of the work of a police constable in Montgomery in the 1840s reveal the close attention paid to local people who are judged to be of dubious character. The extract below, with delightful phrasing, is from a surviving Police Journal and concerns the investigation of a local robbery.
County Archives
Extract from police journal

This extract, from January 18th 1844, reads as follows:
"I went to Llanymynech to acquaint Mr May the Constable of Mr Leece Shop which had being Robed [robbed] he is a man well acquanted with all the Boat Men. I called on Mr Baugh Carreghofa Locks. I receved information that a man of that discription had gon throught the Locks on the eving [evening] as the Robery was commited the name of the Suspected person David Davis or Die [Dai] of the Gats [Gates]. he lives in Rhewabon he has to [two] Sisters with him foling [following] the Boat they are wicket Gearls [wicked girls] and of a loose Carterer [character] thaire fathar lives in Rhewabon"

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