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A police journal of the 1840's 3
Strangers in town

  Checking the lodging houses
Many of the entries in the Police Journal kept by a constable in Montgomery in 1843-44 are concerned with recording the presence of strangers in the area. The extract below describes a man staying at a local lodging house.
County Archives
 Extract from Police journal

The entry shown here, for 30th July 1843, reads as follows:
"found a man who gave his name as John Smith, at Davis's he stated that he was a sailor he was about 5 [feet] 9 inches high, dark hair and whiskers extending under his chin. was about 44 years old. was dressed in a short slop and fustian trousers and he stated that he was going to Liverpool.
Visited the Public Houses and found them all Orderly."

There are 6 pages in this sequence. Use the box links below to view the other pages.