It reads:
"I received information that thare was a boar
rob[b]ed on the night of the 11th inst[ant]
near the Mardy Bridge belonging to Mr John Lewis of the Bellen [Belan]
near Welshpool. The following property stolen thare from. viz A
new Jacken [jacket] and waistcoat, a Reddy
Cule [reticule] full of vittles. Thare was
some slite [slight] suspistion [suspicion]
on one Sam Evans (alias Cloxen). I churched [searched]
his mother' house and all the bad characters in the neighbourhood (found
Constable Jones did not catch anyone for this robbery
but he did find the jacket, waistcoat and reticule under a hedge.
A reticule was a simple bag (like
the one above) for carrying belongings. In this case the bargeman
kept "vittles" or food.
More about
another incident on the canal...
Jones may not have been very good at spelling but he
worked very hard to protect his community from crime.
His journal shows that he worked very long hours, sometimes starting
at 6 or 7 in the morning and not finishing until1 o'clock the next
morning. He also walked great distances and would probably have
thought nothing of doing 15 miles a day for long periods.