Llanfair Caereinion
Victorian school days
  The dangers of epidemics  

The diseases most often mentioned in the school diaries include scarlet fever, diptheria, measles and whooping cough.
Because these illnesses could spread very quickly among the whole community it was common for schools to be closed for weeks at a time.
The entry below is from Llanfair Caereinion National School Log Book, written in January 1899 -

School closed sign
30th January
School diary entry "Poor attendance. Four children absent by reason of scarlet fever - others because of colds. Closed school this afternoon by order of medical authorities for a fortnight, on account of scarlet fever".
  This one is from Llangyniew National School, December 1890 -  
10th December
School diary entry "School continues very small owing to "whooping cough" and "mumps".

Many parents refused to send their children to school until they were sure that the risk of infection had gone - until the next illness came along !
Many children, though, were poorly for much of the time...

Poor health from poor conditions...


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