Llandrindod and district
Taking the waters
  The other waters of Llandrindod  

The Lake at Llandrindod Wells has been a very popular feature of the local landscape ever since it was dug out of marshy ground in Boat hire advertisementthe early 1870s. It is located to the south-east of the town centre, and it was close to the old Pump House Hotel.
Taking to the water in elegant rowing boats was much enjoyed by the Victorians, as was simply strolling by the lakeside. This photograph of visitors doing both was probably taken in the 1890s.

Lake in
Llandrindod Lake

The pony carts and invalid carriages which provided local outings for elderly and infirm visitors often included the lakeside as part of their route.
The area around the lake was gradually improved over the years, and bigger and better boathouses and cafes were built. One of the original boathouses survives today as a private house near the lake.
A well surfaced new road called Princes Avenue, which provided an attractive route alongside the water, was opened in 1912.

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