Builth and district
Crime and punishment
6 -Mother, don't tell stories...  

Sergeant Flye's statement went on to record the argument in the Police Station between Elizabeth Price and her mother...


Court document,1866

"[The prisoner [Elizabeth] ... said "Mother, don't tell stories, you know you had it all ; take the money out of the Bank and pay it back. I will tell the truth - You told me you had burnt the purse..."

The statement goes on to tell both sides of the family row...

Gold coins

Court document,1866

"Well my girl, what you gave me you had back and I have none of it". The prisoner then said "Mother, don't say so, you had all the money and gave me back the two pounds which I had to buy clothes and the three shillings to buy the earrings".
This seemed to be the answer to the new earrings which Elizabeth was wearing shortly after the purse of gold coins was lost !
But it was evidence given to the Court by Police Sergeant Flye's wife Ann which did most to seal the fate of mother and daughter...

The police Sergeant's wife gives evidence...


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