Welshpool and district
Victorian school days
  Willie Roberts sent home - again !  

Sometimes the same names are always turning up in the pages of the official Log Books of Victorian schools - usually because of bad behaviour of some sort !
Willie Roberts appeared regularly in the records of Gungrog Road School in 1891 and 1892, because he was always being sent home to have a wash or to tidy himself up ! (But remember that many children had to wash in icy cold water, and warm homes and washing machines were not part of their lives...)

9th September
School diary entry "Sent Willie Roberts home to have his face washed. I Class kept in till half past twelve for careless reading".
27th October
School diary entry "Sent Willie Roberts home to have his face washed and a clean collar on".
3rd November
School diary entry "Sent Willie Roberts home to be washed and his boots cleaned".
14th December
School diary entry "Mary Jane Williams and Willie Roberts sent home for coming untidy".
27th February
School diary entry "Taught 1st Class how to read plan of School..."

"... Sent Willie Roberts home for a clean pinafore".
It was usually the girls that wore pinafores in Victorian schools, but it was Gungrog Road School that also taught the boys sewing and knitting, as shown on another of our pages !
Poor Willie Roberts got sent home again on 15th June but wasn't mentioned in the diary after that - so perhaps he tried harder to be clean and tidy !

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