Welshpool and district
Victorian school days
  A 'Night Class' at Buttington School  

The official Log Book of Buttington School includes an unusual reference to a 'Night Class' which was started there in 1874.
'Evening classes' for adults to study a wide range of subjects at a local college after work are now provided in many places, but this country school offered evening lessons over 125 years ago !

16th October
School diary entry Young worker What ?
Back to school ?
at NIGHT ?

"In connection with this School a Night Class has been started (for Males only) to give to those who are not able to attend Day School an opportunity of improving their condition with regard to learning. The subjects taught will be the ordinary school subjects, viz, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. The school will be open 3 nights in the week for instruction, during the winter months".
These classes were just for the same "elementary" subjects as the daytime lessons, but they would have given some older boys (who often had to work in the daytime to help the family income) a chance to learn more.
It is a pity that the Log Book doesn't tell us any more about this interesting idea, which was ahead of its time !

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They must have had fairly good lighting at Buttington School in 1874 to hold classes in the evening.
Many schools had problems in the late afternoons in the winter because there was not enough light for the children to work.
Some towns had gas lighting by this date, but country districts had to use oil lamps and candles.
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