Talgarth and district
Population graphs
  Census figures for Talgarth parish  

  The old parish of Talgarth stretched right over the Black Mountains and down to the border at Glangrwyne. The population figures used here do not include this far off Glangrwyne portion but the town and the area around it.
The actual recorded figures for the population of the parish were:-
  In the year 1841 - 1271 people
In the year 1851 - 1222
In the year 1861 - 1224
In the year 1871 - 1408
In the year 1881 - 1352
In the year 1891 - 1318
In the year 1901 - 1466

The government report which published the 1871 figures said the population increase was due to the "extension of the Mid-Wales Railway and the establishment of a new market."

Compare this graph with those of other parishes in the area.
Is the overall trend the same?
If the trend differs, in what way does it differ?

Why do you think this might be?


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