Rhayader The Sergeant and his men caught up
with the rioters near the Bear Inn. There was a great gang of them in
women's clothes over their own work
clothes. They had warned the specials not to come too near, and one who
did so was hit with a musket.
The Rebecca riots
6. "A famous night in Rhayader"
Shaw and his men then heard that Rebecca and her daughters had attacked
the East gate on the Crossgates road
so they rushed across the fields.
Again they found the gates demolished and Sarah
Rees - the old woman who looked after the tollgates - cowering
Rob Davies
Such a large armed crowd was too big for the police to cope with, and
the rioters then marched four deep around the town.
Two constables had been stationed at the Wye
Bridge gate, but they were drawn off by two women who told
them that the New Gate was being attacked. Immediately they had gone the
Rebeccas demolished the gate and house.
For a night at least Rebecca and her daughters
were in control!