Crime and punishment
  "Unlawful wounding" at Machynlleth, 1878  

In October 1878 in Machynlleth, Rowland Wood, a local butcher, was stabbed in the street by Gabriel Davies in front ofTrouble in the street a crowd of people.
The evidence of various witnesses was written down at the time and from this we can find out what happened almost 120 years ago.

What Rowland Wood said...
Mr Wood was returning home to his house in Penrallt Street one night when he heard shouting and the sound of someone crying "Murder !".

He ran towards the sound and saw a crowd of people outside a shop. In the shop doorway he found Gabriel Davies beating someone on the ground with a stout stick. Mr Wood pushed forward to stop him.


On the next page you can see some of the evidence in this case as given by Rowland Wood in 1878...

More about the attack in Machynlleth...