Machynlleth The 1840
edition of Robson's Directory of North
Wales put all the 'gentry' together as shown on the last page, then listed
the trades people of the district in alphabetical order - which gives
a strange mixture of jobs next to
each other, and even for the same person ! The lists give a good idea of many
of the typical trades for a Victorian
market town around 1840. There are the local
specialities of the district like flannel makers, slate quarries,
and lime burners More entries
from 1840 Machynlleth...
Victorian trade
Directory, 1840 - all sorts !
But the usual reason for tradesmen having more than one job was simply
that it was the only way in which they could make
a living in a small community.
come first in
these lists !
coal makes my
bank manager's
suit dirty !
making fertilisers, but also the shoemakers, tailors, and grocers to be
found in most towns.
Evan Jones was a butcher who also
sold beer, and John Jones (one
of five in this list !) was a blacksmith
who also sold beer !
One of the other John Jones's sold medicines, groceries, and cloth - but
at least he he didn't sell beer !
Perhaps the oddest mixture of this selection is yet another of the JJ's
- he was a bank manager who sold
coal !
There are more alphabetical entries from this 1840 trade directory on
the next page...
Rob Davies