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A stabbing in Machynlleth, 1878... (page 3)  
  Mr Evan Morgan, a worker in the local iron foundry witnessed the attack. He said in his evidence that he saw Gabriel Davies dragging his son along the ground by his collar and beating him over the head with a stout stick.
He saw Rowland Wood try to stop the beating and the struggle which followed. His evidence continues -
  Quarter Sessions entry

This entry in the official record says:
" A cry was made and I saw something shining in the prisoner’s hand. I could see it in the light of the gas lamp..."

Rowland Wood was taken home and a doctor fetched. It was discovered that he had a stab wound in his leg three inches (about 7.5 cms) deep. Mr Wood recovered but had to walk with a stick for many weeks after the attack.

See more evidence in this case...