Machynlleth When the Unions were set up, poor
people claiming help were made to feel ashamed
that they could not support themselves. By the end of Queen Victoria’s
reign attitudes to paupers seems to have softened. More people accepted
that many of the paupers were unable to support themselves through no
fault of their own. They were simply too old
or sick
to work and had no family to look after them. Many were women with small
children, whose husbands had died or had abandoned them. Two entries from the Machynlleth
Workhouse records for 1900 reflect
this kinder attitude. The first shows
the more privileged in society offering some comforts to the less fortunate...
- offered The entry shown above reads: There is more about
the improved conditions on the next
page... More
about treats in the workhouse...
The workhouse
for people in the workhouse
- people living in the workhouse
"Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered
to the Most Honourable the Marchioness (D) of Londonderry and Mr & Mrs
Edwards, Rock Ferry, for their treats to the inmates
during the last month".