The workhouse
  A magic lantern show

The second extract from the Machynlleth workhouse records for 1900 refers to an 'entertainment' for the poor people living there.

The idea of making life more enjoyable for the inmates of the workhouse would have been completely unthinkable for the authorities who set up the new system back in the 1830's.

Inst. - short for instant. The 8th inst. means the 8th of that month.
  Entry from workhouse records

This entry reads:Victorian magic lantern
"Resolved that the thanks of the Board be given to the Ladies mentioned in the Master's Report for their magic Lantern Entertainment given to the Inmates on the 8th inst."

Magic Lantern shows were very popular in Victorian times. Photographs on glass plates were projected onto a large screen for the audience, and there would usually be a commentary to go with it. Pictures and stories of travels abroad were very popular.

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