Llanwrtyd and district
Population graphs
  Census figures for Llanwrtyd parish  

  The actual recorded figures for the population of the parish were:-  
  In the year 1841 - 638 people
In the year 1851 - 553
In the year 1861 - 607
In the year 1871 - 736
In the year 1881 - 848
In the year 1891 - 812
In the year 1901 - 854

Remember these are the figures for the whole parish of Llanwrtyd. The government report which published the figures of the 1841 census gave the population of the hamlet of "Pontrhydyfere" as just 27. This is the hamlet by the Irfon bridge. (To see a map of it around this time click here).

Compare this graph with those of other parishes in the area.
Is the overall trend the same?
If the trend differs, in what way does it differ?

What was happening in the area in the 1860s and 1870s which might have caused the population to rise?


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