Hay and the Wye valley
Population graphs
  Census figures for Glasbury parish  

population graph for Glasbury

  The actual recorded figures for the population of the parish were:-  
  In the year 1841 - 838 people
In the year 1851 - 816
In the year 1861 - 564
In the year 1871 - 551
In the year 1881 - 567
In the year 1891 - 488
In the year 1901 - 460


The parish boundaries for Glasbury changed in the early Victorian period so that the parish was smaller. This means that there wasn't really such a drop in population between the 1851 and 1861 censuses. The figures above are for the Radnorshire side of the river only.

Glasbury in Victorian times was a very rural area with most people working on the land in some way. The Maesllwch estate owned large areas of the parish and had a great influence on the lives of ordinary people. The published census report of 1851 said that the decrease in population was due to "the removal of labourers and their families to the mining districts of Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire".

Compare this graph with those of other country parishes in the area.
Is the overall trend the same?
Which parishes in the area have the same trend?
If the trend differs, in what way does it differ?



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