Victorian school days
  It's freezing - let's all go home !  

It could often be a very tough life for children in Victorian times. Many had to walk for miles to school in all weathers, and the schoolroom was often freezing cold when they got there !
The teacher at Crickhowell British School complained about the small size of the fireplace in the classroom in 1891...

"Dismissed rather earlier in the afternoon. Too dark
to work".

Crickhowell British School
14th February 1870
18th February
School diary entry
School diary entry
Drawing by
Rob Davies

This entry from the school Log Book reads -
18th February - "The weather is very severe again today. Marked [register] at 9.15 am. The firegrates are too small to allow all children to sit around Children by the firethe fires. Consequently it is almost impossible for the children to keep themselves warm. Marked Registers again at 11.20 am. Dismissed for the Day at 1.30 pm".

In December 1898 the teacher at Llanbedr National School wrote "Only 14 came this morning, and it was thought advisable not to keep school, but let them go home and keep themselves warm".
There are also many examples of teachers having no coal or wood for the stoves or fires, so children sometimes had to wear as many clothes inside the school as out !

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"School altered from 2pm to 1.30 pm in order to enable the children who live several miles off to reach home before dark".
Llanbedr National School
15th October 1877
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