Builth and district
Crime and punishment
  The rogues and vagabonds of Builth  

For much of our history, people who did not have enough money to support themselves were given a very hard time. Poor and homeless strangers were driven out of parishes so that the local people would not have to pay more in poor rates to keep them.
For most of the Victorian years these wandering people were treated like criminals, and there were laws for dealing with "idle and disorderly persons", and "Rogues and Vagabonds".
Mary Ann Phillips was charged with being a rogue and vagabond at Builth in 1866...


Court paper,1866Powys County Archives

This is part of a paper from the Quarter Session Roll, 1866 -
"Be it remembered, That on the 20th day of August in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty six at Builth in the County of Brecon, Mary Ann Phillips is convicted before the undersigned, three of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County, of being a rogue and vagabond..."

There is more about the rogue Mary Ann on the next page...

The sentence for being a Victorian rogue...


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