Builth and district
Crime and punishment
  8 -Mother gets hard labour  

When Elizabeth and her mother were arguing about who was telling the truth, Mrs Price had made a remark which turned out to be closer to the truth than some of her other claims...


Court document,1866

"...The prisoner [Margaret Price] then said "Well, my girl, you can say what you like. I shall be sent far enough now from all of you".
The sentences which were handed down to those dealt with by the Courts in Victorian times were recorded in 'Order Books', which were thick, leather-bound volumes.
The entry below is part of the record of the verdict on Margaret Price from the Breconshire Quarter Sessions Order Book for Michaelmas, 1866. This book is shown in the photograph on the right.

Order Book
Order Book

Entry in Order Book,1866

"...It is also Ordered that the said Margaret Price be imprisoned in the House of Correction for this County for the period of eight calendar months and during that time to be kept to hard labour".

Eight months in prison with hard labour was a heavy sentence in the mid-Victorian period when prison conditions were still very harsh.
But what became of twelve-year old Elizabeth ?....

The sentence for young Elizabeth Price...


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