Some watermills of the Rhayader
Argoed Mill 1
mill on the estate
As with other mills in the area
the exact origins of this mill are unclear but the first edition
of the 1" Ordnance Survey map for the area appears to show
buildings and what could possibly be a mill pond. (Compare with
the later 25" map below). The mill stands on Nant Treflyn,
a tributary of the Wye, not far from Doldowlod Hall. |
Detail from
1st edition
Ordnance Survey
1" map of 1833
Powys County Archives
The mill is marked on
the tithe map of 1840 and is listed in the accompanying apportionment
as Argoed Fawr Mill. Local historian Stedman Davies claims the
mill was also known as Melin Rhos, had three sets of grind stones,
and was grinding corn up to the 1930's.
Mr G. Phillips, manager of the Doldowlod estate, said that the
mill machinery was taken out in 1934 and a turbine installed
to generate electricity for Doldowlod Hall and the village. After
1965 mains electricity made this unnecessary and the turbine
was scrapped. |
Image based on
2nd edition
Ordnance Survey
25" map of 1904
County Archives
See the
next page for photographs of the mill complex. |