In 1902 the Board of Education opened the school to girls
for the first time and it became known as the County School,
only regaining its Grammar School title after the 1944 Education
Act. As secondary education became universally available there
were moves to replace the school with a secondary school at Knighton.
This new school became a secondary modern school however, and
the Presteigne establishment continued as a grammar school. It
became known as Presteigne Grammar School from the 1950's.
John Beddoes commemorated
In 1970 the school became fully comprehensive in extended premises
and the Knighton school closed. As the school's intake was from
much of eastern Radnorshire and beyond a less specific name was
thought appropriate and John Beddoes School was adopted, celebrating
the role of the founder after 400 years.
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School. Use the box links below to view the other pages.