Powys Digital History Project

Care of the poor
Paying for abandoned children

  A pathetic list of possessions
The list of property seized from Rees Davies by the parish authorities in 1743 to help pay for the support of his three abandoned children makes rather sad reading today, since many of the items are pathetically modest.
The inventory from the Quarter Sessions includes the following items:

Quarter Sessions
Trinity 1743

County Archives

Inventory of possessions

"one Trend (?)
one Tub
two Furkins
two Bedsteads
four Sheets
two Blankettes
one Feather Bed
two Rugs
three Boulsters
one Chest
three Boxes
two Pewter Dishes
four Pewter Plates
one Pewter Tankard
Eighteen Pewter spoons
one Shirt
one Shift
one Black silk hood
four handkerchiefs
four womans Caps
three Napkins
two Pillows
one Pillowboss
about forty Pounds of Coarse wool

  two Iron pots
three pails
two old Dripping Pans
a Dozn of wooden Trenchers (?)
Eight Bottles
one Little Peg
five old Bags"
  There are 3 pages in this section. Use the box links below to view the other pages.