Montgomery and district
Victorian school days
  A very superior school  

Most schools had regular visits from the School Inspector, and the main points of his official report had to be copied into the school Log Book. These reports commented on the teaching, the ability of the children, and the school building and equipment - like this entry from Llandyssil School in 1867...

Llandyssil School in 1867 was a model country school because it was
very good, not because it was very small !
18th November
School diary entry Inspector's Report.
"Llandyssil National School - The buildings, furniture, apparatus, and books are of a very superior character. I consider it in this respect quite a model country school, forming a pleasing contrast to the poverty stricken appearance of some of them"...
  The Inspector was impressed with Llandyssil because many other country schools of the time were in a poor condition, with leaky roofs and damp walls.
The behaviour and appearance of the 'scholars' was also part of these reports, as with this 1885 example from Mellington School...
Untidy scholar
Does he
mean me ?
3rd March
School diary entry

3rd March - "The children are well mannered and orderly, and with two exceptions very neat and clean".

The Log Book doesn't tell us who the 'two exceptions' were !


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