Montgomery and district
Victorian school days
  These boots are made for walking...  
  In Victorian times sturdy boots were essential pieces of kit for country children. Many had to walk for miles to school over fields and rough hill tracks, in all weathers.
Old photographs of groups of children at school (like the one on the right) show that even the tiniest among them have studded boots to protect their feet from the stony or muddy ground.
These typical Log Book entries from Mellington School show that very often, and especially in the winter, foot problems meant no school. For there were no comfortable 'school runs' for these children ! ...
Victorian schoolgirls
16th December
School diary entry
"George Williams The Barns is away from school with sore feet".
11th December
School diary entry
"Alice Davies is away from school, her mother says she has no boots to come in".
10th December
School diary entry
"Mrs Trow has sent word that Edward cannot get his boots on to come to school as he has chilblains so badly".
13th January
School diary entry "Fanny Lloyd has sore feet and cannot get her boots on, so has to stay at home".

Money was very short in many families, and some parents simply could not afford the cost of boots as well as the school fees (called the 'school pence') for their children.

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