The workhouse
  A new workhouse for Machynlleth Union  
  The Machynlleth Union was not at all keen to build a new workhouse but the authorities insisted. It looked for a while as if the Machynlleth Union might be disbanded.
The Union had difficulty obtaining a proper site for a new building site and the necessary money to build it.
  Engraving of workhouse

The new workhouse, located at the end of Maengwyn Early map showing workhouse.Street, was eventually completed in 1860.

Even after the opening of the new workhouse the Union still paid small sums of money to people in the area who were in temporary difficulties. Those with longer term problems, though, had to report to the workhouse, and their belongings could be sold by the Union and the money used to cover some of the cost of their care.

More about Machynlleth's workhouse...