Crime and punishment
  Attacked by a weaver in 1846

In the same year of 1846, Constable Jones was sent to arrest John Evans, a weaver of Machynlleth, for assault. He brought Evans to the local court in Machynlleth.

This entry shown below reads:
"I executed a warrant on John Evans wever [weaver] of Machynlleth - took him before Sir John Edwards Bart., the Revd J Bonsall, and W.J.Evans Esq. To answer the [accusation] of Richard Worington of the Parish of Penegoes, Miner. For assaulting him on the 2nd Inst. - he was fined the sum of £1 and 5/6 costs."

Bart.- Baronet, holds title which can be passed to eldest son.

Inst. - instant. 2nd inst. means second day of the same month.

  Quarter Sessions entry

The fine of £1 was quite a lot at the time. Constable Jones earned less than that for a week. John Evans also had to pay the courts costs for the trial which were another 5 shillings and 6 pence (about 28p).

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