in Victorian times
  The end of the Victorian age  

In January 1901 the Mayor and the other important leaders of the town marched in procession to Llanfyllin Town Hall.
This occasion was a ceremony to mark the proclamation of the death of Queen Victoria and the accession of King Edward VII.

Photograph by kind permission of the Powysland Club and the Llanfyllin and District Civic Society.
High Street

Parade of officials in 1901

The official buglers, the Serjeants-at-Mace, and the Town Crier (with his bell !) are to be seen at the head of the procession, followed by the Mayor wearing his chain of office.
The white building at the centre of the picture was the Bala Inn, which was a much older building than its neighbours. It had a stone mounting block (for getting on to a horse's back) at the side of the inn, which was demolished in the 1930s.

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