Earning a living
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Tradesmen of the area in 1835  

Here are more of the tradesmen who were so important to the area in the early part of the reign of Queen Victoria. Some like the ironmongers, painters and plumbers are familiar to us today.
Others like the maltster are not so familiar. He treated barley with malt in his malthouse. The finished product was then used to brew beer.


Don't forget!
The surnames are first

The saddlers made saddles and harness for the horses which were so important in Victorian times before motor vehicles came into use and the wheelwrights made the wheels for all the carts and carriages.

With all the great houses and parks around the area it is not surprising that there is a dealer in game. In the season there would have been regular shoots in the Usk valley.

In old Victorian photographs it is rare to see someone outside bareheaded. This accounts for the milliners and hat makers listed here.


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