Brecon and district
Population graphs
  Census figures for Brecon  

population graph fpr Brecon

  The actual recorded figures for the population of the parishes were:-  
  In the year 1841 - 5609 people
In the year 1851 - 5975
In the year 1861 - 5634
In the year 1871 - 6251
In the year 1881 - 6651
In the year 1891 - 5960
In the year 1901 - 6012

In the Victorian period the census figures were recorded separately for St. John's [including St. Mary's] and St David's parishes and Christ's College. We have put them together here to get a better idea of how population of the town and the lands around it were changing.

The government report which published the figures for 1841 and 1851 gave the number of inmates for the workhouse and the gaol in Llanfaes:-
The workhouse had 64 inmates in 1841 and 109 in 1851.
The gaol had 58 in 1841 and 29 in 1851

Compare this graph with those of other parishes in the area.
Is the overall trend the same?
If the trend differs, in what way does it differ?

What do you think could have been happening in Brecon to make the population rise so steeply in the 1870s?


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