Making punishment fit
the crime ?
An unusual entry from the Quarter Sessions is shown below,
which records that Daniel James was jailed for a year for, presumably,
using tricks to make money from gullible spectators - a type
of fraud by no means unknown today !
It is also of interest in mentioning the use of the pillory,
which could be regarded as an appropriate punishment for someone
who sought to make fools of the people in the street.
Quarter Sessions
Easter 1789
County Archives
The above extract, from the Order Book
of the Breconshire Quarter Sessions, reads as follows: "Ordered that Daniel James who was Convicted at this
Quarter Sessions for pretending to use and exercise Conjuration,
be confined in the County Gaol for Twelve Calendar Months and
that within that Time he stand openly on the Pillory for one
Hour in the Town of Brecon before the Shire Hall on the last
Saturday in every Quarter of the said year being four Times and
that he be then discharged."